This article will show you how to add devices to the system.
You will learn how to edit devices already on the system.
You will learn how to delete devices on the system.
Easy come, easy go...
With technological advances expanding by leaps and bounds every year, it's inevitable that change will come more often than some of us may like. It seems as soon as Apple releases a new iPhone and people get their heads wrapped around it's total capability, Apple comes out with a new one. With each new change, adjustments have to be made. Fortunately, those adjustments don't have to be as complex as a new iPhone architecture. Just the click of a few buttons, and your users will be up and running.
Adding a Phone/Device
Click the Users icon → Click the Edit icon on the user → Click Phones from the drop-down menu → Click Add Phone → Give the phone a letter tag to differentiate from other phones on the extension → Choose Yes/No to record calls → Choose the Make/Model of the particular phone → Choose the Preferred Server (see your CSM or System Admin) → Enter the MAC address of the device (Format: ab:cd:ef:gh:ij:kl) → Choose a line number for the phone → Click Add.
Please Note: For cellphones and soft phones, leave the Make/Model drop-down blank.
Editing a Phone/Device
Click the Users icon → Click the Edit icon on the user → Click Phones from the drop-down menu → Click edit on the device. You only be able to edit the call recording option, the model of the phone and any proxy settings that the server has put into place.
Once done, click Save.
Deleting a Phone/Device
Click the Users icon → Click the Edit icon on the user → Click Phones from the drop-down menu → Click the red "X" on the phone to be removed.
Still need more assistance?
Contact our support team of Customer Success Managers either by sending us an email to or give us a call at 828-575-0030, then press Option 2 and we will be glad to assist you further.