This article will show you how to import or export your contact lists. 

One and done...

Transitions can be messy. Whether you're packing for a big move into a new home or building, leaving your company to go start your own business or starting fresh and anew with a career change, there's always something to organize and clean up and it seems, no matter how hard you try, something always gets left behind. When it comes to your contacts, that doesn't have to be so. if you've got a list to bring in or you need a list to take somewhere else, just follow the instructions below and you'll be good to go in seconds. 

What Do I Click?

Importing Contacts

Click the Contacts Icon → click the black Import button → browse for the file to be imported → click Import. 

Exporting Contacts

Click the Contacts Icon → click the black Export button → select the contacts to export from the drop-down menu → select the desired file format → click Export → name the file → click Save. 

Still need more assistance?


Contact our support team of Customer Success Managers either by sending us an email to or give us a call at 828-575-0030, then press Option 2 and we will be glad to assist you further.