This article will show you how to setup your voicemail to e-mail options and how you receive the information.
In This Day and Age...
There are so many different ways to receive a message. UPS and FedEx trucks are everywhere you go (Thank you, Amazon!) Text messaging and chat apps have become accepted business practices. If you want to call someone and see their face, just click the FaceTime button on your dialing pad and there they are. Emails are sent by the billions each day. Even the good ol' postal service is still kicking despite all of this. Whatever avenue you find yourself utilizing more often, it's hard to argue that you can utilize one or more of these at the same time based on how you want to do business and get things done. For voicemails, it doesn't just have to be a recording. You can move that message along how you need to, to best serve your needs. Read on to see what you can do with this.
What Do I Click?
Setting up your options
Click the Messages icon → Settings tab → under Unified Messaging, click the Email Notification drop-down and select the action(s) that you would like to occur when you receive a voicemail.
Your options:
- Send w/ hyperlink
- Send w/ brief hyperlink
- Send w/ attachment (leave as new, or move to saved or trash)
- Send w/ brief attachment (leave as new, or move to saved or trash)
You also have the option to Enable/Disable the Voice Transcription feature simply by using the drop-down menu.
Don't forget to click Save!
Please Note: Make sure you have your email address entered on your contact info for this to work properly.
For information on ensuring you have your email address set up, refer to our solution article on Profile Settings.
Still need more assistance?
Contact our support team of Customer Success Managers either by sending us an email to or give us a call at 828-575-0030, then press Option 2 and we will be glad to assist you further.